sábado, 2 de enero de 2016

Welcome to Tamashi no Uta!

Hello everyone! Kumaicho here!

As you know I am currently the sub-leader of TnU and I feel very proud of that ☆ All though I can't really help much, because I can't mix or edit at all I still try to be helpful with little actions, like helping out with the english speaking girls, creating documents for projects, giving my opinion on mixes or auditions, and of course, always delivering my lines on time. I really love TnU because we've grown into a big multi-cultured family that has fun but also creates great covers. Now that I look back on TnU's history, its unbelievable how much better we've become! And that is all thanks to Abby and Matt. I dare to say we are now one of the best and coolest cover groups of H!P of Latin America. But we still have a long way to go, so please support us until then!

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